Terms of Enrolment
Permanent Bookings
If you plan on keeping a regular schedule of days throughout the term then it is recommended that you make permanent bookings for your child in order to secure them a place. All families will need to re-confirm their enrolment in mid Term 4 for the next year.
2025 Fees
Before School Care:
Permanent Booking - $11.50
Casual Booking - $12.50
After School Care:
Permanent Booking - $24.50
Casual Booking - $25.50
Vacation Care:
In-Centre - $80.00
Excursion - $100.00
Our programs are eligible for CCS. To claim:
Ensure you have created a Becklyn parent portal account
Please ensure you have provided the centre with relevant CRN numbers in your child's enrolment form.
Ensure you accept the Enrolment Notice via MyGov whenever your child's enrolment changes.
Cancellation of Permanent Bookings
If you wish to cancel a permanent booking then you need to inform the Nominated Supervisor in writing one week before.
Changing your Enrolment
If you have requested to change your permanent bookings you will receive a confirmation email once the changes have been made. You are then required to:
Log onto the Becklyn portal and accept the Complying Written Agreement electronically. Please email the centre if you have not received a username.
log onto your mygov account and accept the new Enrolment Notice.
All Centrelink subsidy payments will cease unless you accept the Enrolment Notice through mygov.
Casual Bookings
If you don’t plan on keeping a regular schedule of days then you may book your child in on a casual basis (limited number of casual places are normally available, subject to permanent bookings).
This may be done in person, on the phone 0427 911 657 or send an email to lacentre@outlook.com. . If you require care for your child and it is after 9:00am on the day you must contact the school office so they can alert your child that they will be attending After School Care.
Notifying the Centre of an Absence
If your child is absent on a day they are booked in for After School Care you need to contact the Centre as soon as possible. You may leave a message on 0427 911 657 or send an email to lacentre@outlook.com.
Invoices are sent fortnightly and directly debitted a few days later. If you have a questions about your invoice, please send an email to info@becklyn.com.au to ensure we can resolve it.
Child Care Subsidy Scheme
Lindfield Activity Centre is eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy benefits for Before and After School Care as well as Vacation Care. Please ensure that you have provided us with relevant CRN numbers on enrolment.